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Posticy.com User Guidelines

To ensure transparency, legal compliance, and a clear understanding of your rights and responsibilities while using our platform, please review the following important documents:

  1. Terms and Conditions: These govern your use of our platform as a whole. They outline the general rules, responsibilities, and expectations for all users.
  2. Privacy Policy & Cookie: This document explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. It also outlines your rights regarding your data. Here, we provide information about the use of cookies and similar technologies on our website and platform, as well as your options to manage cookie preferences.

By using Posticy.com, you agree to abide by these documents. We recommend that you read them carefully to ensure you fully understand your rights and obligations. If you have any questions or concerns about any of these policies, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Your continued use of our platform signifies your acceptance of these terms and policies.


Order Initiation: An order is initiated when a Marketer submits an article publication proposal on the Publisher’s website, which is listed on the Posticy Marketplace.

Order Rejection: An order is automatically rejected if:

  • It has been in the “Requested” status for more than 7 days.
  • It has been in the “Accepted” status for more than 7 days without a deposit payment made by the Marketer.
  • It has been in the ‘In Progress’ status for more than 14 days, and the Publisher has not attempted to mark the order as completed and submit the Published Article URL for the Marketer’s approval.
  • It has been rejected by the Publisher.

Order Completion and Review: Once an article is published, it will be submitted by the Publisher for the Marketer’s review. An order is automatically considered completed five calendar days after receiving the Published Article URL. During this five-day review period, the Marketer can take one of the following actions:

  • Acceptance: The Marketer can accept the article publication.
  • Revision Request: If the Marketer wishes to request revisions, the order will receive the “Revision” status.

Revision Request: When making a revision request, the Marketer is required to provide a detailed and specific explanation of the changes or improvements needed in the Published Article while refraining from altering the originally submitted content, anchor text, or target URL.

Commission: The Marketer agrees to pay a commission of 15% for using Posticy Marketplace Services.

Alteration Policy: The Marketer is allowed to make alterations to the content once it has been published and payment has been made. Posticy will not mediate requests for alterations.

Pricing and Confidentiality:

  • The pricing for publication service is set by the Publishers.
  • The Posticy server stores all correspondence between Marketers and Publishers, which can be utilised by the Administration when addressing disputes.
  • The details regarding orders and payments received by Publishers from Marketers are treated as confidential and are not to be distributed.

Posticy’s Right to Reject Orders: The Posticy team reserves the right to reject the order at any of its active statuses (Requested, Accepted, In Progress, Pending, Revision, Completed) in the event of detected fraud or an open dispute.

Multi-Accounting Prohibition

Marketers are prohibited from creating multiple accounts. Posticy will not accept new accounts that duplicate an existing account and may merge multiple accounts if they belong to the same Marketer.

Account Type Switching

Marketers have the option to switch account types within the Posticy application.


Order Initiation
An order is initiated when a Publisher receives a publication proposal from a Marketer. The Publisher will review the proposal to determine whether to accept or reject the article publication request.

Order Rejection

An order may be rejected under the following conditions:

  • If the proposal is in the “Requested” status for more than 7 days without further action from the Marketer.
  • If the proposal is in the “Accepted” status for more than 7 days without the Marketer making the required payment deposit.
  • If the proposal is in the “In Progress” status for more than 14 days without the Publisher marking the order as completed and providing the Published Article URL to the Marketer.
  • If the Publisher decides not to proceed with the Marketer’s proposal.

Order Completion and Review

Once the Publisher accepts a Marketer’s article publication proposal and receives the payment deposit, the order progresses to the “In Progress” status. The Publisher’s responsibility is to publish the article and share the Published Article URL with the Marketer for review within 14 days. 


Upon receiving the Published Article URL, the Marketer reviews the published article. If satisfied, the Marketer can accept the completion of the order, and it will transition to the “Completed” status.

Revision Request

If the Marketer requests revisions during the five-day review period, the order will be placed in the “Revision” status. In this case, the Publisher is required to address the Marketer’s specific revision requests while maintaining the original content, anchor text, and target URL.

Commission: Publishers acknowledge that they are subject to a commission of 15% as outlined by Posticy Services.

Publisher Responsibilities

Publishers agree not to delete, mask, or modify link text and/or link(s), alter the content of the publication, or hinder the indexing or following of crawlers or visits. Furthermore, the Published Article must remain on the requested website for at least 1 year from the publication date.

Dispute Resolution

In case of any disputes arising between Publishers and Marketers, the resolution process will follow the guidelines outlined in these Guidelines, based on the Marketer’s order and related correspondence.

Account Suspension and Deletion

The Administration reserves the right to suspend a Publisher’s account in the event of any breach of these Terms and Conditions, either directly or indirectly. Such suspension may last for the time needed to investigate the breach or may lead to account deletion. In cases of account suspension or deletion, the Administration will handle outstanding payments to the Publisher, provided that the Marketer accepted but did not pay for completed orders at the time of suspension.


Websites submitted to the Posticy Marketplace must meet the following requirements:

  • The number of website pages indexed by Google must be no less than 30 pages.
  • The age of the domain must be no less than 3 months.
  • Domain Authority must be no less than 15.
  • The MOZ Spam Score of a website can be no more than 30%.
  • Free web-hosting is not permitted.
  • Websites must have unique, readable, and frequently updated content.
  • Websites must comply with the laws of the USA or EU.
  • Websites must not violate copyrights.
  • Websites must adhere to public moral and ethical standards.

Forbidden Website Categories

The following website categories are strictly prohibited:

  • Adult
  • Dating
  • Gambling
  • Sports betting
  • Competitive services
  • Marketplaces
  • Binary options
  • Hacking, warez, cheat codes, unlicensed software
  • Occult and magical services
  • Sale of fakes
  • Smoking, cigarettes, tobacco, etc.
  • Alcohol
  • Weapons, arms, armament
  • Forums and open web platforms
  • Announcement marketplaces
  • Fraudulent activities
  • Financial pyramids
  • Forex trading
  • Medical websites without valid licences
  • Pharmaceutical goods, including, but not limited to dietary supplements, drugs, herbs, vitamins, sports nutrition, etc.

Website Moderation and User-Friendly Criteria

Posticy Moderators evaluate websites from a user perspective. A website may be rejected if it is not visually appealing and user-friendly. Moderation decisions may be changed by Administration after approval or rejection, and websites can be rejected if their quality deteriorates and no longer conforms to existing moderation rules.

Multi-Accounting Prohibition

Publishers are prohibited from creating multiple accounts. To prevent multi-accounting, Posticy reserves the right to limit new sales from accounts that are duplicates of existing ones. Additionally, Posticy will not accept new accounts that duplicate an existing account and may merge multiple accounts if they belong to the same publisher.

Account Type Switching

Publishers have the option to switch account types within the Posticy application.